Thursday, December 28, 2006
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
As it has been said by many others before me, it is so hard to believe that this year is coming to an end. 2006 has brought so many adventures and blessings into my life. As I look back on this year I will remember it as the year I graduated from college, the year I moved to Africa, the year I became a missionary, and most of all the year I really learned what it meant to follow God wherever he leads. I have really felt that this year was a big growing up year for Kayla Carraway, but not so much in the way that I thought I would grow up– but exactly how God wanted me to grow up. Although things have been very unexpected I know that I can look back and smile. I can look back and see God’s hand in every little decision that was made. I have always loved the poem Footprints in the Sand and this was definitely one of those years for me. A year that I did not know where to step next, or if I even had enough strength to take the next step and God said, “I will carry you for now!” And I must say I have enjoyed the ride more than I could have ever imagined!I am very blessed this year to get to spend Christmas with my family in Idaho. With all of us living so far apart these days it was so great to all be together to celebrate Christ’s birth! While I am living in Kenya and away from my family it is hard, but God has blessed me with so many close friends and families of the school to help me feel at home. The four other girls that I live with are so great. We learn more about each other all the time and have really enjoyed living together. As many of you know already our house was broken into and some personal belongings were stolen. I was very blessed that I was not at home when they broke in and nothing of mine was taken. However, it was a pretty traumatic experience, but after the fact, we have been able to look back and see all the good things that have come from it. We have realized that we have grown closer together as sisters’ in Christ. Besides our friendships increasing we have established closer relationships with our neighbors, security guards, and the staff at WNS. We have a joke about one of our guards because he never smiles. We had given him the nick name of “Stone Face”. Well, since the incident he has been so helpful and kind to us. We found out that he is actually missing one of his front teeth, maybe that is why he never smiled before. But...he sure does smile now when he sees us! Little blessings in disguise of a traumatic experience. God is good...always working behind the scenes where we don’t see. We have had families from the school bring us food and cookies, reminding us that they are praying for us. I don’t think that we had to make a meal for the last two weeks of school. We had a lot of invitations from people to stay at their houses and other little encouragements. It is hard to even think of all the ways that we have been blessed and encouraged through this experience. I also want to Thank You all for praying for us. As we moved back into our house after it was all fixed, we could really feel God’s peace. A lot of families kept saying, “You aren’t going to leave are you?” The cool part is that I don’t think it was ever even an option for any of us. God has made it clear that he wants us here, no matter what may happen!Spending time in Idaho with my family has been so good. We had a baby shower for Trish just a few days after I arrived. Although I will not be in the country for when the baby is born, I was thankful to get to be a part of the baby shower. We were also able to spend Christmas Eve with a lot of relatives that we had not seen for a long time. It was so nice to get to spend Christmas with my family. There is just something about having little kids around that makes the day so much fun. I went into to wake up Brandon and Gavin and as soon as I said his name he sat straight up in bed and said, “It’s time to open presents!” I am sure going to have a hard time saying good bye to those boys again! The rest of our Christmas plans include skiing in Sun Valley, sledding, and just spending time all together. Trisha’s house has been a little crazy with all of us living together, but it isn’t often that we get to be together. We are definitely trying to make the most of it. I hope you are all enjoying the Holidays as much as I am and able to spend time with the people that you love and care about. Thank you again for the huge support that you have been to me, especially in the last few months. Please be praying in the new year for safety and good health. Please be praying for me as I fly back to Kenya on January 4th. Not only am I dreading the flights back but also having to say good bye to my family again. No matter how many times we say good bye I just don’t think that it ever gets easier. God bless you and please keep in touch with me when you have time!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006
I'll be home for Christmas...
4 days and counting and I will be on the plane...so hard to believe. My time has gone by so fast, but they always say that times flies when you are having fun. This weekend we had our staff Christmas party. It was really fun getting to spend time outside of school with our staff. I am very blessed to have the people I have to work with. This week is going to be a fast one. Tuesday we have off for Jamhuri Day (not sure what it is...but I don't mind the day off). Wednesday, Thursday and then Friday is only half day with a Christmas concert. Also a mission team from Judson flies in Thursday night so I will get to hang out with them really quick before I fly out. It will be really fun to get to see friends and share my school with them ;) I wish so much you could all come and see! Well, I will update when I get to Idaho...but until then have a good Christmas! Thanks again for caring about me!
Thursday, December 07, 2006
the house...

Here are a few pictures of our window that the men went through. I am still not really sure how they fit through the little hole...but I guess they new what they were doing. We are finishing up today repairing and bars and adding extra ones on the inside that are a bit thicker so they will be harder to cut through. We are also having a new fence put in that is a solid metal wall so they can not get through unless they weld it or something...who knows! We are still talking about getting a dog and other such things. Thanks so much for all of your prayers and encouraing emails. We have felt very loved through this all. Two days ago a family from school brought us over ice cream and other food and gave us hugs and said, "PLEASE DON'T LEAVE!" It was really cute! Thanks again!
Monday, December 04, 2006
He gives and takes away...my heart will CHOOSE to say...blessed be Your name!
WOW...what a weekend we had. After a fun night out with friends on Saturday to celebrate Steven's birthday Jen and Alison went home while Megan, Daylan and I headed out to another house where we have been house sitting. At about 4 am to men broke into our house through our back window. They cut the chain link fence, cut through the two layers of bars on our windows, pulled out the glass and slid through the whole. They went into Alison's room on the first floor and asked for her money. When she started to scream they said, "Shut up or we will kill you". She stopped screaming and they proceeded to take her money, camera, laptop, phone, watch...then went upstairs. Jen was sleeping in our room with the door closed and they left her alone. They went into Daylan's room and took her laptop and i pod. We are not sure about other minor things that could have been stolen as well. We are blessed to say that neither girl was harmed AT ALL. Although it has been a very scary thing for all of us we are holding fast to God's protection. After all it is just stuff..and stuff can be replaced. At this time we are still waiting for a police report. Yesterday we went to the station and had to pick up an officer to come and check it out because they do not have police cars. Thankfully they have been somewhat cooperative but we cannot fix the window until they have written a report and taken pictures of the scene. So, for now we are staying with other missionaries until we can get it fixed. Please just pray for peace and protection for all of us. It is hard being scared in your own home...but we know that God did protect us! Thank you for your payers so far! If you have any questions feel free to email me!
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