My bridesmaid and very close friend here in Kenya...Daylan had a Bridal shower for me this weekend. It was really fun. There was a red theme..thus everyone is wearing red. We played lots of fun games and ate lots of good food. It was really fun to have special memories with some of my friends before I leave...I am going to miss them all SO much!!!

The games started with a video that Daylan took of Craig...different questions about me. He did really well. He knows me quite well!!! Good job MY MAN!

Watching the video....

Funny game...they were drawing what I will look like in my wedding dress. But they had to do it with the paper on their head...they turned out pretty scary to say the least!

It was really fun to have everyone there!

Beautiful table and yummy food!!

The whole group...teachers, other staff members of WNS, friend from other organizations...

Good friends Hannah and Rachel

I wasn't so good at loading the pictures in order this time...ooops! Here are a few more silly pictures of drawing the wedding dress!