I learned a little kids song a couple of weeks ago from a church that I was visiting about how our God is great and holds us in his hands. This was very obvious this past week in my life. We (about 11) teachers took a drive up country about three hours to Mt. Kenya. The fourth grade teacher's boyfriend has a farm up there and so we stayed at their house. It was a really nice time to get away. The ride up took about three hours. Parts of the road had just been redone so they were actually quite nice (for Kenyan standards) but other parts were horrible. We (3 of my roommates and I) recently purchased a nissan sunny. It is a nice car for driving around Nairobi but not really the best option for taking "up country" we understand that better now that we tried to take it. There are a lot of speed bumps in the road through the different towns along the way and our car is too low to go over them, especially with five girls in the car (no laughing). So, there came a point that we got out of the car; besides Megan who was driving of course, and we ran beside the car so it would go over the bumps without scarping on the bottom. Needless the say the people along the road got a good laugh at four crazy white muzingo"white people" chasing after their car.
So, we made the trip up...we visited the equator, drove to the base of Mt. Kenya and had a fire (well kind of the wood was wet so it was a small fire), we saw a lot of weird monkeys and missed seeing two elephants by about five minutes. I was really sad about that. We ate lunch in a restaurant called Trout Tree, which really is built into a tree. I totally felt like I was in Swiss Family Robinson, Aje you would have loved it. Of course I ate pizza because I am not a huge trout fan but I did hear that the fish was quite tasty. Mom, you would have loved that part! lets see what else...the equator was freezing cold and we had to wear lots of layers..go figure.
On our way home we had driven through rain, pot holes, past crazy drivers, in the dark for abou three hours and were just getting into the city when...yep we got a flat tire. We had gone through so much but for some reason I guess the car had finally had enough. The back left tire went flat when we hit a small ditch/pot hole that we couldn't see in the dark. It put a damper on our Christmas singing that we were doing in the car (Mo you would have loved that). So, we pulled over into a gas station had a guy there help us change the tire, I am sure we could have figured it out but hey he wanted to help so we let him do it. It was such an answer to prayer that the flat tire came while we were in the city. If it hade been only ten minutes eariler when we probably should have gotten the flat tire we would have been out in the middle of no where, in the dark, without help (not a good situation for five white girls). God definatley had his hand on us.
So, we made it home safely got a new tire the next day. Then on Wednesday night we were driving from Karen, where the school is, back to Nairobi at about 8 pm when we got stopped at a police check. It is very common to have these, and thinking that of course everything was fine we weren't too concerned abotu being stopped. They check your insurance and license and all that and then let you go. Well, the problem was that we had forgotten that we only had a temporary insurance sticker put on our car when we bought it. We were supposed to go in and get the real one but admist our crazy schedules that minor (or major) detail was forgotten. So, he told us that we would have to go to court the next day and pay 5,000-10,000 shillings which can be about $100. Right about then, after I whined about us being teachers and not having time to go to court, the rain started. Not wanting to be out in the rain the police man sad, "I am human too and I would be willing to overlook this whole incident, turn my head, if you would pay 500 shillings (about $7). So, thankfully Daylan had some money in her pocket which was totally a God thing, because we weren't going anywhere to buy anything. So yep...we bribed a cop and got off. So, now we have our new tire and our new insurance sticker and God continues to hold us in his hand. Ok back to teaching now...the day has begun! God bless and I would love to hear from you soon!