On Monday we traveled down the road to the Nairobi Japanese School. It is also a pretty young school trying to establish a sports program. We knew it wasn't going to be very strong competition so I decided to give the B teams a chance to play in at least one game. It was really fun to watch them play so hard. They have been practicing as much as the A team but have not had a chance to play yet. It was so cool to also see how many parents showed up for the game. The boys ended up winning 1-0 and lets just saying it was good learning opportunity for the girls. They just weren't really sure what to do when the Japan girls started to play man on man. Tomorrow the Boys' A team will play against a school from Kibera. Kibera is the second largest slum in Kenya. I am excited about this opportunity for our boys to be a good witness. They have done really well about their attitudes so far (as well as can be expected from 13 year old boys that is). I am just hoping the ref actually shows up this time. If he doesn't then I guess it will be my opportunity to perfecting my reffing skills but this time in soccer. Lets hope not!
Today we had a very Kenyan experience. Although we had told our Land Lady to send us our electricity bill apparantly she did not think it was a priority. So...today was a result our electricity was turned off. So, tonight we decided to go to Java House (a restaurant) to hang out and grade papers and such because we have no light. We are told it will be turned on again tomorrow but I don't know if I believe them. We definately live one day at a time here. We didn't have water for about two weeks because of the trade fair in town. They needed all the city water for that. So, they just took ours. I am definately learning to adjust to a different culture...go with the flow! I am so glad that I grew up in PNG I can really tell that it helps me a lot, just being used to things not turning out as you always plan.
A fun thing that did happen today was that on our way to pay the bill Alison and I saw 4 camels on the side of the road. I wish I had my camera because I was like two feet away from them. It was really cool to see them so close. Two of them were eating off of this really pretty bush with flowers on it. It would have been such a cool picture. OH WELL!
Well, I think that is about it for now. Continue to pray! Next week is the end of our first quarter. It is hard to believe that our school year is 1/4 done already. WOW! Report cards are due and we have parent teacher conferences. Pray for the stress level in our house! Miss you all please keep in touch!
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