Today I had a really cool experience (I know I say that a lot but it is true). One of the girls from the 7th grade class is moving back to the States with her family after this semester. She has attened WNS since the first grade and is really struggeling with moving back. It reminded me a lot of when my best friend in 8th grade (Sara Vinroot now Bunting) moved back to the States. It was so hard for both of us and we just didn't undestand what God was doing. Anyways it was really cool because I got to hang out with her a bit and just get to talk with her. I loved being able to share personal pain and experiences with her. It was cool because she really opened up to me about a lot of things. I was so nervous to go and talk to her or that it would be weird or a lot of silence, but it was really cool. Pray for Katie if you think about it and her sister Karen who is in 6th grade. They are both really having a hard time with it. If you are a MK I am sure you know the feeling!
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