Sunday, June 03, 2007

Please Pray

Please pray for my friend Matt Westcott. He was invovled in a feak accident where a tree fell on him. He suffered multiple injuries including : 2 main fractures of the lower spine, his left lung has collapsed, he has a large gash out of the calf muscle on his left leg, cut the back of
his head, and the majority of his back has had the skin grazed off, He will have to stay in the Hospital for the next 3 nights. If any of you remember me telling you before Matt was involved in a really bad motorcycle accident just after we graduated from high school in PNG. Matt just graduated from Messiah a few weeks ago and was out in MI visitng some of our friends from PNG.
Please keep Matt in your prayers. I will give an update as soon as I get back to the states. My flight leaves in 8 hours! You can pray for that too! See you all soon!

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