Thursday, February 15, 2007

trip to the children's home...

Today I had the opportunity to go with the 7th grade class to a children's home in Degoretti. This is a very slum area on the out skirts of Nairobi. It was a good experience for the kids, and myself. As we were driving to the home one of my Kenyan students said, "WOW I have never driven through this part of Nairobi before." That gives you a little bit of an idea what it was like. The students were a little nervous, not really sure what to expect. But that didn't last long. We first had a tour of the home to see all the different things they are involved in. Within the home there is an abondonded baby center (most of the babies have HIV), there is also a school for children with special needs, and a home for older children to be adopted. It is a buge facility, with a large staff and many buildings. After our tour our students split into groups and played with the little kids. There were some of the kids that really touched our hearts. For example: Austin.
Austin walked straight up to me as I was at the front of the group and grabbed my hand. He said, "Hey you come see my house." He pulled us all inside to see the small room with 18 beds squished into it. He was so proud. He introduced us to all his friends. What a cute kid. He just kept saying, "Yo what's up?" We all just died laughing. There were just so many great kids.
Before we left I was talking to Jane who had given us the tour. I asked her about Austin and what his story was. She told me that Austin had been dropped off at the home last April. When he was just young he had meningitis (yea can't spell that). The illness had left him 1/2 paralyzed. I am sure my face looked quite confused because as you can tell from the video you would have no idea. She went on to tell me that since he had been brought to the home he had regained the use of his arms and legs. She said, "God brought him strength again." I just started to cry as she told me how it was about love and caring for these kids. She told me that it was so hard for them because there are so many children in need and so few people to love them. AHHH! I couldn't handle it. I just stood there with tears in my eyes and no words to say. God is so good and we are so blessed. Just thougth I would share that story with you, it really blessed my heart.

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